Biographical Notes

I was born in Cles (Trento - Italy) on November 19, 1977.

Conservator of cultural heritage, I specialized in medieval art history at the University of Parma. Since 2004, I have been working as a freelance professional, organizing cultural events, and curating art exhibitions for both public and private institutions.

Son of the post-divisionist painter Silvano Nebl (Cles, 1934-1991), I have dedicated myself to drawing and painting for fifteen years. Since 2017, I focused on a series of works dedicated to the mountains, particularly the rocky walls of the Dolomites. I focus on the relationship between man and nature, the approach to the sublime through the representation of dualities and contrasts, drawing inspiration from the reality that surrounds me.

Among recent solo exhibitions, I would like to mention "Mountains are better than art" as part of Art City Bologna 2023 during Artefiera and "Echi" at Palazzo della Regione in Trento, in the official program of the Trento Film Festival – Mountains and Cultures.

My works are displayed in public and private collections, both in Italy and abroad (USA, France, Principality of Monaco, Poland). Public collections include those of the Civic Library Tartarotti/Mart in Rovereto and the Municipality of Slawno in Poland.


  • 2020, Aug 1 - Aug 30 | Dolomites | Dimaro - Folgarida (TN) - Spazio Luna
  • 2020, Sep 12 - Sep 27 | In the sign of the mountain | Borgo Valsugana (TN) - Spazio Klien
  • 2021, Jul 9 - Sep 19 | In the sign of the mountain | Predaia - Coredo (TN) - Casa da Marta
  • 2021, Nov 25 - Dec 23 | In the sign of the mountain | Milan (MI) - Spazio FALC
  • 2022, Jul 2 - Oct 16 | Faces of the Mountain | Revò, Novella (TN) - Casa Campia
  • 2022, Sep 12 - Sep 29 | Dolomites | Bolzano (BZ) - Galleria Espace La Stanza
  • 2022, Nov 25 - Dec 4 | In the sign of the mountain | Treviso (TV) - Galleria De Wrachien
  • 2022, Dec 16 - Jan 15 | Dolomites | Cles (TN) - Spazio Ars Banca Mediolanum
  • 2023, Jan 27 - Feb 5 | Mountains are better than art | Bologna (BO) - Fondazione Gualandi (ART CITY BOLOGNA 2023)
  • 2023, Apr 28 - May 12 | Echoes | Trento (TN) - Palazzo della Regione (Trento Film Festival)
  • 2023, Nov 4 - Nov 12 | Mountains are better than art | Treviso (TV) - Galleria De Wrachien


  • 2020, Nov 3 - Dec 31 | Format A4 | Rovereto (TN) - Civic Library Tartarotti/Mart
  • 2021, Mar 20 - Mar 31 | NeroThema | Gubbio (PG) - Musei di Gubbio
  • 2021, Jun 12 - Aug 29 | 20x20 2020 | Altopiano della Vigolana (TN) - Palazzo Malfatti
  • 2023, Jul 15 - Oct 22 | Radìs | Sanzeno (TN) - Casa de Gentili


  • 2018, Marcello Nebl. Dolomites | curated by Camilla Nacci
  • 2020, Marcello Nebl. Nel segno della montagna | curated by Fiorenzo Degasperi
  • 2021, Marcello Nebl. Nel segno della montagna | curated by Lucia Barison
  • 2022, Volti della montagna. Marcello Nebl's works in dialogue with Novella photographers | curated by Fiorenzo Degasperi
  • 2023, Echi, la montagna tra fotografia e pittura | curated by Giuseppe Tasin
  • 2023, Radìs | curated by Marcello Nebl and Nicola Bortolamedi